Mix n' Match Volume 1
Comments: This game was our first ever made. It's not like our others
but the features in this game are: Take pieces of clothing or other accesories and dress up the cactus, pickel looking dude!
The reason theres a button in the credits that says,"Click here to visit our website!" is because we put our work
on a professional programming site and we needed to advertise. We didnt want to edit it and make another copy of the game
because we have so many copies.
Mix n' Match Volume 2
Comments: In this version of the Mix n' Match series, you get
to dress up a different character. We are working on Mix n' Match Volume 3! Tons of new features, characters, and cooler graphics!
Coming soon! The reason theres a button in the credits that says,"Click here to visit our website!" is because
we put our work on a professional programming site and we needed to advertise. We didnt want to edit it and make another copy
of the game because we have so many copies.
Comments: This game is STILL IN THE MAKING. This is one of our best
games by far. In Joyride, you get to drive a car, go to bars and start bar fights, go to stores, get a job, go on the computer,
and still yet to come shoot people, run people over, get more jobs, buy more and new property, and go to different towns.
This version is just a DEMO okay? Please leave a comment on how the games are and vote on the poll at the bottom the
HOME page. Thanks.
Block Hunter
Comments: Have you ever played that old classic game BrickAttack? It's
often found on cell phones along with Memory or Snake? Well, Block Hunter is like that but its more colorful and the blocks
are worth a certain point. When you hit a block with the ball, you get a certain point depending on what color the block is.
Like a blue block would be worth 1 point and a yellow block would be worth 3 points. But there still is a problem I had making
the game. After you get all the blocks without letting the ball get past the paddle, nothing happens. So if you get all the
blocks and then ball is still going, dont worry, I'll have it under control soon.
Star Fetch
Comments: StarFetch is another ball and paddle game but this one is
difficult! There are stars that you got to keep catching after you catch the previous star. That sounds simple right? Yeah
for now, but then theres these blocks that keep going across the screen that if the ball hits a block, it will go in a different
direction making it harder for you to keep an eye on the ball. Each star is worth one point. Can you get at least 10 stars?
Play and find out!
Comments: Electrokinesis is another tough game. When some people saw
it they said," Dude, that's easy." Well its not is it? You control a red ball that you have to unite it with the green ball
(the goal in each level). Your job is to drag the red ball and touch the green ball in each level. Well the stakes get higher
as there are walls of death in your way to the green ball. Touch the walls, you lose. Touch the goal, you exceed to the next
level. This game is still IN THE MAKING. So that means there are only two levels which when it is done, there will
be about 50 levels. If you beat that, then you are the master of Electrokinesis.
Illusion Pong (1-2 Player Game)
Comments: Play pong with a friend in 2 Player Mode, or play against
the computer in 3 difficulty levels in 1 Player Mode. Have fun!
Comments: Alright, you control a spaceship and there are UFOs that
are flying past a side-scrolling screen. You must destroy the UFOs with your lasers that you can fire with the SPACE button.
You have a health meter and if you crash into a UFO, you lose some health. Theres cool sound and sound FX so you'll like the
whole laser firing sounds. There's still a problem, if you get 0 health, you can keep playing, believe or not, it
is extremely hard to do that with all the _root and tellTarget s' I have in the game, wait, you people dont know what I'm
talking about, and I am working really hard to figure the darn thing out.